Saturday 5 October 2013

Friendships Are Funny

Friendships can be so fun and rewarding, but they can also cut you right to the core.

For someone (myself) who dropped everything to be with a friend in her time of need to be pushed away in my time of need hurts so bad. To have my texts completely ignored is just icing on the shit cake.

Funny when someone who you see changing into someone else, a change that this person fought tooth and nail for over a year and a half (due to a boyfriends idea of what a girlfriend and mother should be), and the friend who stood by her through good and bad is cast aside as if she were nothing more than a casual aquaintance.

It hurts. Plain and simple, it really fucking hurts.


Yet, I'm not giving up on the friendship. She is like a sister to me, I KNOW she will come around. She's the type of person who will understand why and how she has hurt me and I will not throw it in her face. That's the funny thing about our friendship, we do understand each other. That is why I'm not going on the offensive and flipping my shit over this (well, except for here that is).


Wow long time eh,

Well you may not want to read the crap I'm going to be spewing into this page in the coming hours, days or months. These will be the rantings of a 32 year old bipolar adhd-pi mind and let me tell ya, it ain't fucking pretty.
I have a whole bunch of pissyness all wrapped up in my mind towards people that I love with all my heart and I need to get it out somehow without actually hurting anyone in the process! If I don't get it out in a good sort of healthy way I may just lose my cool and freak the fuck out.

Wednesday 27 July 2011

Blah BlaH Blah

Starting fresh, have lost track of lots of blogging buddies, hoping to find them again, and make new blogging buddies.
I'm perpetually almost pissed off, worried, irritable, but I am loving, and sometimes cute....only sometimes. :)